Do I need a Second Opinion for a Neck or Back Surgery?
Before making a decision to undergo any neck or back surgery, it is important for you to consider obtaining a second opinion from a licensed spine specialist. Different physicians will offer varying and sometimes conflicting opinions regarding treatment recommendation and surgery. This means that a second opinion can be valuable and can offer you new insight as it relates to your condition. The additional information you gain from a second opinion will prepare you to make a more educated and informed decision about your condition and treatment options. It is time you take matters into your own hands and take full control by arming yourself with more information that will allow you to make the most appropriate choice of treatment.
In addition to the aforementioned benefits, it is also important to consider a second opinion as it may be required by your insurance company before they cover any treatment.
What Can I Expect from a Second Opinion?
Our expert physicians at Healthpointe can provide you with second opinions for several neck and lower back conditions and disorders, including herniated discs, arthritis, and joint pain. After a review of your medical records and diagnostic tests, including MRIs and CT scans, our board-certified spinal specialists will provide you with detailed information on the treatment option that is the most suitable for your condition. Our staff will also provide written recommendations regarding your treatment plans, which can be reviewed by other physicians or your current treating physician.
Why Seek a Second Opinion at Healthpointe?
A second opinion by Healthpointe’s spine specialists regarding your neck or pain conditions as well as treatment options can bring peace of mind at an emotionally difficult time. Our highly qualified physicians are also free of any outside influence or conflict of interest, and offer all potential patients the chance to experience the finest service around.
Additionally, our physicians fully promote the utilization of the most advanced non-surgical and minimally invasive options in order to provide patients with benefits such as less costly care, reduced duration of hospitalization, and increased recovery speed all without the need for surgery. Furthermore, our minimally invasive treatment options have a proven track record of averting complex surgical procedures that may affect your work, activities of daily living, and quality of life.
Other benefits for your second opinion at Healthpointe include:
• Healthpointe excels in providing convenient and affordable second opinions for any patient considering spinal surgery.
• We offer proper diagnostic studies and medical reviews by licensed and board certified spine specialists with expert knowledge in various neck, upper back and lower back conditions.
• We will help you develop a treatment plan that is suitable for your life and goals while avoiding any options that may conflict with your wishes.
• Your treatment process will be closely followed by our team of specialists throughout the diagnostics, testing and recovery process.
Healthpointe prioritizes the patient’s well-being and ensures that patients receive all information on various treatments that is best suited for their needs.
MRI Reviews
In addition to our medical second opinion services, Healthpointe also offers MRI REVIEWS; which is a beneficial consultation without hidden costs. In this manner, our specialists can accurately diagnose your conditions and suggest the finest treatment that will treat your ailments.
As a patient, the choice to have a second opinion is with you! As a leading healthcare organization in Southern California, Healthpointe offers a range of services including medical second opinion services, including neurosurgery, physical therapy, chiropractic care and minimally invasive options. So make an informed decision as it relates to your medical care by scheduling an appointment today to further discuss your treatment options and receive a second opinion at Healthpointe!