Physical Therapy, also known as Pain Rehabilitation, is a renowned conservative treatment that unifies physiology, exercise and the healing arts, and applies these elements to patients who are suffering from acute to chronic injuries. With regards to back and neck pain, Physical Therapy focuses on the routine cardiovascular, stretching and strengthening exercises that support the neck, spine and its joints, which includes muscles, tendons and ligaments.
Physical Therapy is commonly utilized to decrease pain, improve range of motion, promote functional restoration and overall restore patients back to their baseline status and quality of life. Physical therapy, supplemented with medications, has effectively treated countless patients who are undergoing any form of neck and back conditions. Additionally, Pain Management is a reliable medical remedy that has prevented the unnecessary cost and risks of surgical intervention.
The Treatment Just For You
Healthpointe’s therapists are caring and disciplined professionals who are directly involved with each patient, not only in the process of administering treatment, but also in providing personal, one-on-one care to each individual and his or her particular needs. Our therapists guide and assist patients through each phase of treatment, and work in close conjunction with physicians to reach the common goals of the healing process.
With excellent training and experience, our therapists can implement a wide spectrum of neck and back rehabilitation protocols and treatment methods representing the most advanced evidence based studies conducted in the field of physical therapy such as: McKenzie, dynamic back stabilization, Pilates-based exercise, gait training, modalities and soft tissue and joint mobilization. They are indeed dedicated in providing patients with the treatment that they deserve.
Our Physical Therapists are trained To:
- Educate and assist patients with stretching of tight muscles and strengthening of weak muscles, which would help in managing pain and accelerating tissue healing.
- Educate patients on the significance of posture while emphasizing ergonomic principles to preserve the spine.
- Restore flexibility of muscles, relieve strain on ligaments, mobility of stiff joints, and motion of the neck and spine.
- Return patients to their normal baseline activities.
Healthpointe Medical Group, Inc.’s Physical Therapy department strengthens the longevity of our opulent range of services, and augments our ability to treat injured workers and return him or her to maximum functional restoration in a timely manner. We are proud to offer such gratifying treatment to all patients with a goal to provide the best possible service in the healthcare industry.