Healthpointe is proud to include acupuncture into their opulent collection of medical techniques and procedures, and we are prepared to deliver patients a euphoric experience and relieve all their spinal pain related needs.
Acupuncture, also known as needle therapy, is a distinguished medical modality that has played a fundamental part of medical treatment for over 3,000 years. From its inception in China and other Asian countries, needle therapy has evolved into becoming one of the most common and successful practices in the medical industry. Indeed, acupuncture has treated more than 3.1 million patients across the globe and the number continues to increase.
What is Acupuncture?
Needle therapy is a minimally invasive, non-surgical technique that remains as a prominent staple in therapeutic treatment. Healthpointe’s trained and licensed medical practitioners treat patients by inserting and removing slender needles into specific spinal areas of the body. Acupuncture works primarily because of its interaction with the spinal nerves and pain processing system, which controls both the conscious perception of pain and the unconscious perception of movement as a response to stimuli. This way, our practitioners are able to modify and stimulate the nerves while increasing blood flow in the process. In other words, acupuncture is based on the distribution of nerves, blood vessels, arteries and muscles that are specifically related to the pathology and injury that the patient sustained.
With proper needle placement and stimulation, Healthpointe’s licensed practitioners are able to control pain and promote healing for the patient, which would ultimately lead to enhanced functioning. It is commonly used as a pain management alternative that relieves specific spinal symptoms and averts the risk of invasive procedures and surgeries.
What does it treat?
Acupuncture is often an ideal way to treat all sorts of pain, such as chronic or burning pain because of the way it alters the chemistry in our body’s nervous system. It also treats a comprehensive amount of medical symptoms by means of relieving pain, reducing inflammation, swelling and muscle spasms, increasing blood flow and range of motion, promoting relaxation and decreasing the side effects of medication-induced Nausea.
Acupuncture is used to treat and relieve countless symptoms, such as:
Experience this phenomenon for yourself at Healthpointe