The term tendonitis comes up in conversation from time to time, but not everyone understands exactly what it is. Tendonitis is the inflammation of tendons and is often the result of a sudden injury. When speaking of this disorder, it is usually connected with the body part affected. For instance, if you have tendonitis in the shoulder it is referred to as shoulder tendonitis.
Tendons are tissues that connect muscles to the bone. This tissue is tough, fibrous and flexible and built to stand up to tension put on it. The Latin translation for tendon is stretch, which is what tendons do. When these structures get inflamed, they are prone to rupture which along with pain is a good reason to seek help for this condition.
It is generally easy to diagnose tendonitis when it occurs and it is the result of repeated movements that put strain on tendons. This strain causes the tendons to become inflamed and that is what causes the pain.
Pain is typically felt during movement, but it is also present during times when the tendons are at rest. At times, it can feel like a burning sensation or even take on the feeling of grinding. The site at which tendonitis appears is normally tender to touch.
At the initial onset of tendonitis, the recommended treatment is usually the application of ice packs and allowing the affected area to rest. As time goes on, it may be necessary to apply heat as an alternative treatment. In addition to that, anti-inflammatory medications help to reduce inflammation. Splinting and bracing the area that is affected also provide some relief. People are often cautioned to alter the way they work, particularly if the tendonitis was caused by work situations.
Physical therapy involving the manipulation of the affected area with massage has been said to accelerate the process of healing. It is also beneficial for helping to strengthen the muscles and provide them with greater flexibility.
Corticosteroid injections into the tendon are another treatment option, but this is typically not tried until after other treatment options have failed to render the desired results. Because this treatment actually increases risks that the tendons may rupture, it is not recommended that repeated treatments be used. Shock wave therapy as well as surgery are sometimes tried when all else fails.
Left untreated, tendonitis can lead to other serious conditions that do require surgery to correct. For this reason, it is critical that anyone suffering from tendonitis seek professional help right away when they determine that the pain is not going away or even getting worse.
Prevention of tendonitis and its complications is best done by using stretching and strengthening exercises for areas of the body that are at risk of developing it. It is also suggested that you avoid repetitive motions that are known to produce tendonitis.